

October is Eat Better, Eat Together Month

When was the last time your entire family sat down and enjoyed a healthy, home-cooked meal together? If you feel like it’s been a while since your family shared a meal, October is a great time to start eating together more often. October is National Eat Better, Eat Together Month, where families are encouraged to gather together during mealtimes. Eating together can make a big difference in your family’s health. Meals tend to be more balanced and nutritious when families eat together, and kids who regularly eat with their families are more likely to eat fruits and vegetables instead of snacking...

Love Yourself This Valentine’s Day (And Every Day) With These Self-Care Tips

It’s February, which means Valentine’s Day is upon us. The shelves at every store are filling up with heart-shaped chocolate boxes, pink and red are everywhere, and people are either trying to make romantic plans with their significant other, or hibernating until Valentine’s Day is over. But this Valentine’s Day, regardless of whether you’re single or in a relationship, take the focus off of a romantic relationship, and consider the relationship you have with yourself. Valentine’s Day only comes around once a year, but by learning to love yourself daily can change your life for the better.   What is Self-Care? Self-care can be...

Roundup of the Most Innovative in Fitness Tech

It’s not news to anyone that technology has been having a growing influence in the world of fitness and wellness. There were more than 500 vendors at the Consumer Electronics Show earlier this year showcasing the latest in digital health products. Here’s our roundup of a few of the most innovative health and fitness gadgets from this past year. Lumen [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="372"] via Lumen[/caption] Lumen is portable device connected to an app that accurately measures your metabolism. It analyzes the CO2 concentration in your breath to identify whether your body is using fat or carbs as fuel to produce energy. Lumen uses...

How to Have a Fun and Healthy Halloween!

Halloween should be a fun time celebrating the spooky season and letting your imagination run wild. However, Halloween candy can have a truly haunting effect on our bodies. While sneaking in a little chocolate bar here or there can seem harmless, the negative effects can slowly *creep* up on you if you’re not careful! According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, we consume nearly 25 pounds of candy every year. Excessive sugar intake is a major contributing factor of rising obesity rates. It’s estimated that the average child will collect between 3,500 and 7,000 calories of candy while trick-or-treating! Spooked...


4 Habits To Stay Fit Despite A Busy Schedule

Most of us spend our days running around, trying to meet deadlines at work, shuffling kids to and from school, bearing long commutes, and other daily responsibilities. The priority to exercise regularly and cook healthy meals is often pushed aside in our busy, hectic lives. One of the biggest obstacles people face is trying to find time to fit in regular physical activity. But with the right habits, you can easily prioritize health and fitness in your life. Here are four habits you can build to help you prioritize fitness despite a busy schedule: 1. Plan Ahead to Minimize Decisions Remember how Steve Jobs iconically...