Matthews, NC

(704) 497-4682

107 Bowen Ct

Matthews, NC 28105



4 Tips to Combat Pandemic Stress & Anxiety

As the U.S. continues to battle COVID-19, the ongoing pandemic can bring feelings of anxiety, uncertainty, helplessness, and worry. While social distancing is necessary to prevent exposure, it can have negative consequences. Many people are facing a huge disruption to their normal way of life. Working from home, schools being shut down, restaurants being closed, etc. can lead to stress, frustration, and depression. Stress and anxiety can also have a negative toll on your immunity. Cortisol levels are elevated during periods of social isolation and confinement, which can inhibit many critical functions of the immune system. Stress reduces the ability of...

Why Personal Training Is Better Than The Gym

You may think there isn't a significant difference between going to the gym on your own and having a personal trainer. Either way, you're getting exercise, right? Wrong! There are many reasons that personal training is better than going to the gym on your own. The biggest benefit of having a personal trainer is that they create a long-term fitness plan custom-tailored to your physical ability and the specific goals you are trying to reach. Your goals may be different from the person working out next to you. Perhaps you are trying to lose weight and slim down, but the other...

Is It Safe To Go Back To The Gym?

As gyms begin to reopen, many of us are eager to return after a long period of feeling cooped up indoors. But just because something is allowed, doesn’t necessarily mean it is wise or safe. Many public health experts believe that it is still too early to be reopening businesses. While many gyms and fitness centers are now taking extra precautions such as temperature scanes, increased spacing, and extra cleaning, they are doing so with limited direction from leadership, as recent federal guidelines for reopening businesses aren’t specific when it comes to gyms. What Are The Risks? Even with a smaller group of...

3 Simple At-Home Workouts

It can be hard to maintain motivation to exercise when you don't have access to a gym. Whether your gyms are still on lockdown or you are continuing to practice safe social distancing measures, you may be looking for alternative ways to keep up with your fitness goals. The personal trainers at Just You Fitness have put together a few simple workouts you can do at home. 1) 15 Minute Complete Workout Put together by Winston-Salem trainer Kellen Lake, this workout only takes 15 minutes. Save or print out this graphic to do this workout from anywhere in your home! 2) Simple Rep...

How To Workout When Stuck At Home

Stuck at home? Stuck at home and unable to go to the gym or do your normal workouts? Self-quarantine may be necessary to help flatten to curve during this coronavirus pandemic. However, you may find yourself going stir-crazy when you're not able to keep up your normal fitness routine. At Home Workouts One way to adapt is to find workouts you can do at home. In the video below, one of our personal trainers, Kellen Lake, demonstrates a simple workout you can do with items easily found in your home. [embed width="400" align="center"][/embed] Virtual Personal Training Sessions Another option is to take advantage of virtual personal...

How To Count Macros: A Beginner’s Guide To IIFYM

“Counting macros,” also known as IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros) is a dieting technique that tracks macronutrients rather than focusing on calories. This allows for more flexibility as there are no restrictions on what foods can be consumed--as long as they fit into your macros for the day. Following the IIFYM diet is pretty simple, and only requires a few steps: Calculating your macros: Calculations based on your age, weight, etc., determine how much of protein, carbs and fat you need in your diet each day. Meeting your macros: Once you know your tailored macros, you just need to stay...

Love Yourself This Valentine’s Day (And Every Day) With These Self-Care Tips

It’s February, which means Valentine’s Day is upon us. The shelves at every store are filling up with heart-shaped chocolate boxes, pink and red are everywhere, and people are either trying to make romantic plans with their significant other, or hibernating until Valentine’s Day is over. But this Valentine’s Day, regardless of whether you’re single or in a relationship, take the focus off of a romantic relationship, and consider the relationship you have with yourself. Valentine’s Day only comes around once a year, but by learning to love yourself daily can change your life for the better.   What is Self-Care? Self-care can be...


How Are Your Fitness New Year's Resolutions Going? We're about halfway into January, and you may find your dedication to your New Year's resolution starting to wane. Maybe you started off strong, going to the gym consistently, but you're finding it harder to find motivation to keep it going. We're here to help! We've gathered some of our favorite inspirational fitness quotes to help you continue working towards your fitness goals throughout the year.   [mkd_blockquote text='"Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your heart on fire."' title_tag="h2" padding="20" width=""] [mkd_blockquote text='"Push harder than yesterday if you want a different tomorrow"' title_tag="h2" width=""] [mkd_blockquote text='"Work...

Top 10 Fitness Trends For 2020

As 2019 comes to an end, many of us will want to start preparing for the upcoming year. For the last 14 years, the American College of Sports Medicine has surveyed thousands of professionals around the world to determine health and fitness trends for the following year. Here is their collection of the top 10 trends for 2020:   1. Wearable Technology It should come as no surprise that wearable technology is the #1 predicted trend for 2020. It is estimated to be a $95 billion industry and has reigned as #1 since 2016 (only dropping to #3 in 2018). Wearable technology includes fitness trackers,...

Roundup of the Most Innovative in Fitness Tech

It’s not news to anyone that technology has been having a growing influence in the world of fitness and wellness. There were more than 500 vendors at the Consumer Electronics Show earlier this year showcasing the latest in digital health products. Here’s our roundup of a few of the most innovative health and fitness gadgets from this past year. Lumen [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="372"] via Lumen[/caption] Lumen is portable device connected to an app that accurately measures your metabolism. It analyzes the CO2 concentration in your breath to identify whether your body is using fat or carbs as fuel to produce energy. Lumen uses...