Johns Island, SC

(843) 708-3592


January 2020

25 Motivational Fitness Quotes For The New Year

How Are Your Fitness New Year's Resolutions Going? We're about halfway into January, and you may find your dedication to your New Year's resolution starting to wane. Maybe you started off strong, going to the gym consistently, but you're finding it harder to find motivation to keep it going. We're here to help! We've gathered some of our favorite inspirational fitness quotes to help you continue working towards your fitness goals throughout the year.   [mkd_blockquote text='"Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your heart on fire."' title_tag="h2" padding="20" width=""] [mkd_blockquote text='"Push harder than yesterday if you want a different tomorrow"' title_tag="h2" width=""] [mkd_blockquote text='"Work...