

4 Best Workouts Tips For Summer Fitness

Summer is officially here! Warmer weather usually leads the way for more outdoor activities, hangouts, vacations and more. Whether you’re working to achieve your “summer body” for the beach and pool, or just trying to manage your weight while navigating all the summer foods like burgers at BBQs, ice cream, and alcohol, we have some tips for you to maintain your best summer fitness.

1. Have a Personalized Plan

Not all body types are created equal, nor does everyone share the same fitness goals. So rather than having a generic workout plan, having a program tailored to your physiology, needs, and overall goals can help fastrack you to where you want to be as summer continues. This is where a personal trainer can be of great service. After assessing your strengths, weaknesses, and goals, a personal trainer can create a personalized plan that will be integral for both short-term and long-term success. Implementing a solid, personalized plan of attack makes it far more likely that you’ll see results and stick to the program. Whether you’re looking to build muscle, lose weight, or get toned, a good trainer will understand the best way to customize your workout sessions to suit your specific needs.

2. Make It Fun

One of the biggest reasons that people stop going to gym is because they get bored of doing the same monotonous routine over and over. Personal trainers have an arsenal of tools and exercise strategies to be able to mix things up, keep your muscles guessing, and help you actually enjoy your workouts.

Exercise should be fun. You’re more likely to stick with it the more you enjoy it. Find other engaging ways to supplement your gym workouts. This should be easier in the summer months. Take part in fun activities that don’t always feel like work or exercise, such as:

  • Cycling
  • Hiking
  • Swimming
  • Paddle boarding
  • Kayaking
  • Tennis
  • Soccer
  • Golfing
  • Baseball
  • Beach volleyball

Summer also provides the perfect opportunity to make nature your gym too. Some of the activities mentioned above like kayaking, hiking, volleyball, etc, can be enjoyed outdoors. Not only will these exercises strengthen your body and help you manage your weight, exercising outside is also a major mental health boost and can improve your mental wellbeing. It’s beneficial and fun for the whole family.

3. Accountability

We’ve all been there. You tell yourself you’ll wake up early the next morning to hit the gym before going to work. But when your alarm goes off, you find yourself unmotivated to get out of bed, and instead hit snooze until the next alarm telling you to get ready for work.

Or maybe you do manage to wake up and get to the gym, but find you’re still feeling unmotivated. You feel like you’re just going through the motions and not really enjoying your sessions.

This is why having accountability is important. A personal trainer can help you maintain energy, drive, and motivation. They will keep you accountable and encourage you to stick to the completely customized plan they developed just for you. They have a vested interest in seeing that you show up, work hard, and succeed. On the other hand, paying for a trainer is another great motivator to stay accountable to your fitness plan. If you’re paying for personalized sessions, do you really want to skip out or slack off and feel like you’re not getting your money’s worth? Not to mention, do you also want to tell your trainer that you don’t want to make an effort? Both are good motivators!

If you’re unable to hire a personal trainer, grab a friend to be your workout buddy and keep you accountable. Workout buddies are proven to help you stay on track, especially ones that align with your own personal goals.

4. Break the Plateau

You may even be doing well, but at some point, everyone hits a plateau at some point. If you continue to do the same routine, the same resistance, or the same machines over and over, your body will plateau. It’s important to switch things up so your muscle-building or weight=loss progress doesn’t stall or lack the desired results. A little knowledge and guidance can go a long way to break you out of the rut. A personal trainer will know when to change up your routine by adding new exercises, techniques, and equipment in order to avoid the plateau that comes with doing the “same-old.” Their expertise and guidance will propel you through any obstacles that may stand in the way of achieving your summer goals.
